A silly day of WIAW

Today was just one of those days, you know where everything is funny and you just do the dumbest things. I for some reason kept slamming my finger on everything at work today, walking in one direction when the thing I needed was in another.  Despite the glorious 9 hours of sleep I got last night I was still tired all day long, but none of that hindered a good day of eats!


9:30am: After a horrendous 6 mile run…. yep it was pretty bad, minus the fact that I got to wear shorts on the first day of February!!!! I could get used to this 🙂

I think the oats made up for how crappy the run left me feeling, they were out of this world!


Vanilla protein powder

Peanut Flour


Kashi GoLean Berry Crisp

Raspberries and Blueberries

Peanut butter


Eaten around 2:30… I was ready to naw my arm off by the time I got to eating this!

V8 Roasted Rep Pepper Soup

Lentils and Kidney beans mixed in the soup for some chew factor

Cara Cara Orange

Snap peas and Cherry tomatoes



The boy made me dinner once again 🙂 He makes THE BEST blueberry pancakes… basically he does the breakfast thing perfectly!

2 Multigrain blueberry pancakes (I went back for another)

1 egg done to perfection!


I didn’t have my normal afternoon snack, so a snack was in order tonight!

I helped myself to two of the Chocolate Reeses cookies and some Kashi Country Cheddar crackers!

Despite the silliness, it was a good day of eats!

What is your favorite thing that you ate today?

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About fitnessnfoodiegirl

I am a twenty something girl who has a passion for cooking and helping others eat well. Fruits and veggies are awesome, but we all need a cookie or two to keep us grounded! I love to workout, I'm just a girl and a new wife who loves living a healthy lifestyle and sharing it with others!

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